Starlog: Vol. 5, № 3 (The High Cost of Buying Low)

Starlog: Vol. 5, № 3 (The High Cost of Buying Low)

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 Volume: 5 |  Issue: 3 |  Download

An Initial Low Cost Strategy Can Be A Costly Decision

Time and again, businesses decide to purchase carpet directly from a manufacturer. Their reasoning is simple. Buying a commodity product direct will save middleman expenses. More often than not, these companies find out the hard way, that carpet is not a commodity, and that buying direct does not save money in the long run. In many cases, it doesn't even save money in the short run! Buying direct paves the way for "nobody wins" scenarios that drive installation complaints and claims up. Good flooring contractors, such as StarNet Members, provide more than just quality installation services. They are valuable resources whose expertise in product selection, site issues and project management assure a successful project.

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