

Click below to access current and past issues from the leading industry trade publications.

Commercial Flooring Report: Vol. 82, № 1 (The Frivolity of Flooring Lawsuits)

 Volume: 82 |  Issue: 1 |  Download

It seems that the entire world is lawsuit happy and ready to bring legal action against anyone for anything and you can always find a lawyer to take the case. When it comes to floor covering issues, whether it's a concern for the flooring material, installation, substrate or another related or perceived related matter, there are always compromises that can be identified that caused the problem — flooring doesn't just fail. When the situation becomes contentious and none of the parties want to make any concessions or the matter escalates to finger pointing, the thoughts of suing pop into mind.

Floor Trends Magazine: Vol. 17, № 7 (July 2015)

 Volume: 17 |  Issue: 7 |  Download


Right after the "60 Minutes" story about certain laminate products carried by Lumber Liquidators containing high levels of formaldehyde specialty retailers and most of the category's manufacturers jumped into action to ensure consumers their products are safe and meet or exceed all legal requirements. One of those mills was Shaw, pictured here is its Vintage Painted product in Boardwalk.

Stone World Magazine: Vol. 32, № 7 (July 2015)

 Volume: 32 |  Issue: 7 |  Download

On the Cover:

The fourth annual Coverings Installation & Design (CID) Awards, a program that honors outstanding design and installation of stone and tile in residential, commercial, sustainable and international projects, was recently presented during Coverings 2015, which was held this past spring in Orlando, FL. The project Hyde Park Gardens was the International Stone Design Winner. The guest bathroom is an example of outstanding stone craftsmanship with large marble slabs perfectly bookmatched. To read more about this project, as well as other CID award winners, turn to page 138 of this issue.

The Flooring Contractor: Vol. 10, № 4 (Summer 2015)

 Volume: 10 |  Issue: 4 |  Download

The Ultimate Concrete Prep Tool for Hard-to-Prep Surfaces

The Diamabrush Concrete Prep Plus tool is a heavy-duty diamond prep tool that is ideally suited to prep floors for an application of paints, epoxies, or stains.

The Concrete Prep Plus will also remove
a thin layer of paint or epoxy. The tools can be used on standard floor machines and buffers.

Floor Trends Magazine: Vol. 17, № 6 (June 2015)

 Volume: 17 |  Issue: 6 |  Download

From healthcare to hospitality, companies are designing their places to look and feel more like home, as can be seen at the 39 Rainbow Healthcare Facility, an acute rehabilitation center by The University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Ks.

Flooring contractor Interior Surface Enterprises received a Gold award in the Healthcare category of the recent Starnet Design Awards for this renovation.

Stone World Magazine: Vol. 32, № 6 (June 2015)

 Volume: 32 |  Issue: 6 |  Download

On the Cover:

Las Vegas Rock in Jean, NV, produces a unique stone, which is used for a variety of applications, including landscape rock, flooring, custom stonework, slab material, cut-to-size panels, engraved signage and planking. For 2015, the stone quarrier is expecting to produce 180,000 square feet, or 250,000 tons, of product. To read more about Las Vegas Rock's operation, turn to page 62 of this issue of Stone World.

Floor Trends Magazine: Vol. 17, № 5 (May 2015)

 Volume: 17 |  Issue: 5 |  Download


Main Street opportunities can come in all shapes and sizes and can cover any type of flooring material. The important thing for retailers to realize is these hometown commercial jobs can provide excellent opportunities to diversify yourself and gain both additional sales and clients. (Photo courtesy of Mohawk's Aladdin Commercial division)

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